Thursday, August 26, 2010

Potty Training Boys Isn't As Scary As You Think

In some respects, it doesn't make too much of a difference whether you are in the process of potty training boys or girls. With that said, there are a few differences and there are some things that you can do to help make teaching your son to use the toilet a success.

Just like potty training a girl, your boy needs to be ready to begin the process. You need to be careful about pushing the process on him and starting too early. When he starts asking questions and showing an interest in the toilet, he is probably ready to begin. Seize the opportunity to start putting your potty training plan in place.

One of the key things that parents can do to help in toilet learning is to model potty behavior. Dads, here is where you need to step up to the plate. If the child is curious about how boys go potty, then allow him to observe when you go. Children want to emulate their parents and this kind of role modeling can go a long way towards helping them gain command of the potty. Explain everything that you do as you go along. As well, do this as often as possible. Consistency and routine is important in getting the concepts to stick and become habit.

Using training pants right away can be a big factor leading to potty training success. Training pants feel different than diapers and give them a sense right away of being a big boy. The other advantage to using training pants is that if they have an accident in them, they are a lot less comfortable than they would be wearing a diaper. For many boys, this is enough incentive to help them minimize the amount of accidents they have.

There is a great opportunity when toilet training boys to have a little fun. Throwing a couple of Cheerios into the bowl before they pee helps turn potty time into a bit of fun time. Giggles are guaranteed as they have a little target practice while going pee. Keep a small bag of Cheerios in the bathroom and keep them handy, since sometimes there is not always a lot of time to pre-plan the potty events for the little guy. Also, considering having them color flushable targets to keep near the toilet. Active involvement in the toilet teaching process helps to keep the child motivated and allows them to buy in to the process.

Teaching boys to use the toilet requires just as much patience as it does to potty train girls. There are going to be times that your patience is tested, but it's important to remain calm. You and your boy will get through the little accidents. They are not a big deal. Keep things in perspective and you and your boy will learn to use the toilet.

Sean Platt offers plenty of potty training help, tips, tricks and advice to assist parents in determining the best time to start potty training their children. Visit today!