For proper dog care of a female dog you need to understand their heat cycles. A female dog usually goes into heat for the first time from 6 months to 24 months of age. It varies according to size and breed of dog. Smaller dogs usually get their first heat sooner than the larger dogs do. Usually the heat cycle last for about 18 to as many as 24 days.
Make note here that if you are going to have your female dog spayed, it is recommended that you have it done before she goes into heat the first time. But if you want her to breed than read on for more information on the signs of heat.
One of the first signs of heat is your dog's vulva will be swollen and start having a bloody discharge from it. In the first 7 days she can attract the male dogs, but she won't let them mount her at this time. But in the second week she may permit them to mount her.
This is when you need to watch your female very closely. If she is a dog that stays outside, then she needs to be behind a fence where no male dogs can get to her, unless of course you are breeding her to one particular male dog. You do not want random breeding with dogs that are unknown to you. This will insure the health of the puppies is good.
Make sure if you are breeding her to be sure she has good dog nutrition. She needs to be eating all the right food and getting the nutrients she needs to have healthy pups.
Back to your dog being in heat. If she is an indoor dog you may want to have her wear a dog diaper. You can find disposable diapers or the washable kind. This will prevent your female from dribbling blood throughout your house. Also make sure she cannot get out without being confined in a fence or on a leash so male suitors cannot get to her.
There a few ways a masking the scent of a female in heat from the male dogs. One simple way is apply some menthol around underneath of the dog's tail. Another way is to feed you female tablets that are chlorophyll. This needs to be discussed with a vet first though, so you know how much to give your dog.
Your female will go through heat approximately two times a year, with a period of time in between which is about 5 months to 8 months. This is if she does not get pregnant during one of the heat cycles. As your dog passes 7 years of age her heat cycles will be further apart. A female dog does not have the menopause that human females do.
It is always advised that you get your dog spayed unless you are going to breed her. This cuts down on the risk of her getting breast cancer for one thing. So consider this as you are thinking of what kind of dog care to give your dog. Also always give good dog nutrition to your animal during whatever stage of life they are in.
If you never had a dog before, just follow these steps and all be good. Make sure you have the proper Dog Supplies, and for proper nutrition so your dog will stay healthy and happy, the proper Dog Supplements [].