Sunday, June 5, 2011
JOE'S POV "Lizzy stop worrying!" I said wrapping my arms around her waist. "Joe it's just look at her she's seriously depressed!" Liz said nodding to Sabrina who was watching TV and skyping with Carolina and Megan. "Liz I think the more we think and talk to her about this the more she's going to get." I said looking over at Sabrina. "But she's my best friend I have to talk to her about this talking you get things done." She said grinning at me. "Liz I seriously think you're the only person in this entire family that thinks that's true and I doubt you think that's true." I said rolling my eyes and kissing her cheek. She giggled and turned to face me. "I do think it's a true violence is never the answer." She said leaning back against the wall. I raised an eyebrow and she sighed before starting laugh. "You're right I do think that's bullshit." She said shaking her head. "Yeah I know." I said kissing her. "So what's up with this whole lovey dovey treatment you're giving me?" she asked wrapping her arms around my neck and tilting her head her long black hair flowing over her shoulders. "Well we haven't had a date night in months and we haven't had sex-" "in two days." Liz finished rolling her eyes. "That's so long!" I whined and she laughed looking over at Sabrina who was whispering to the girls and would look at us every now and then. "if you're going to fuck could you do it already the whole flirtyness is kind of gross." Sabrina yelled over at us. Laughs erupted from the ...