Monday, November 29, 2010

Is It Time To Potty Train?

One of the crucial elements of successful potty training is starting at the right time? So what does that mean? Unfortunately our kids don't come with an instructional manual that tells you when they are ready to be potty trained. Instead our kids will tell us when it is time to get out the potty and ditch that diaper. All you need to do is keep your eyes open and look for some of these signs.

The first and most obvious sign is that your child will show interest in what it is you do when you go to the bathroom. He will want to see and depending on how much talking he does already, he may ask what you are doing and why you are not wearing diapers like him. Be open with him. Now is not the time to be bashful. Let him watch you pee. He'll get the idea.

Another surefire sign is that your child becomes increasingly uncomfortable in a wet or soiled diaper. Your child will start pulling on his pants or diaper, or bring you a new diaper. He may even ask to be changed. This shows that he is aware of his bodily functions, one of the prerequisites to potty training.

Do you find your child pulling his pants up or down? Maybe he starts taking his pants off when they aren't comfortable. This, as well as showing an interest in big kid underwear is also big hint that it is time to potty train.

Make sure you don't miss out on this golden opportunity to start potty training your child. When you catch him at just the right moment, the entire process of getting him out of diapers will be much smoother than if you work on potty training too early or too late.

Learn more about potty training toddlers and sign up for our free potty training ecourse at Read more about when to potty train.