The "terrible twos" has its challenges, but also its rewards. Your toddler is at a stage where she wants to establish her independence. One of these steps toward independence is the move from wearing diapers to going to the toilet. Potty training can be a trying time for a toddler and her parents. But the benefits of saying goodbye to diapers and your toddler's sense of accomplishment make the effort worth it.
Know When Your toddler Is Ready
One of the most important things to consider in potty training is whether or not your toddler is ready for it. She may be ready earlier or later than her siblings, cousins, or her friends. Some signs that your toddler is ready for potty training include:
* An awareness of urination and bowel movements, before or while they happen
* Being bothered by a dirty diaper or telling you her diaper is dirty
* Going at least two hours without wetting a diaper
* Expressing interest in going to the potty
Two years is the general age for potty training readiness. But some kids are ready earlier and some later. Most experts agree that there is no need to be concerned unless your toddler is 4 years old and still shows no interest in going to the potty.
Preparing for Potty Training
When your child is approaching age two, or sooner if she is showing interest in using the potty, there are some ways you can encourage her curiosity. There are many books and DVDs about potty training aimed at toddlers that use pictures and amusing rhymes to discuss learning to use the potty. Reading these to your toddler can educate her about bathroom etiquette and encourage her to ask questions. It's also good to let your child in when the parent of the same gender is using the bathroom. This lets the child see for herself what is expected of her.
Once your toddler is ready, you can start encouraging her to use the potty. There are many types of potty chairs and there are also some other products on the market that can help you with this. Diapers that have disappearing symbols or let your toddler feel wetness can help her learn when she needs to go to the potty. You can use sticker charts to keep track of your child's progress. A small reward each time she gets a set number of stickers can provide an added incentive and encouragement.
When to Go Potty
Looking for signs that your child is about to use her diaper can give you hints as to when you should try to get her to use the potty. If it's hard to tell, you can try taking her to the potty every couple of hours. It's important to be in the bathroom with her the whole time in the early stages. Once she begins to let you know when she needs to use the potty, you can gradually begin to let her go in herself and offer as needed.
Potty training is one of the most important steps in a child's development. It is also a frequent source of stress for parents. Following your child's lead and offering encouragement can make the transition much smoother for both you and your toddler. To learn more about picking the right time to potty train your toddler and keeping on track, please visit: